
Surrendering to something bigger than you. 

To someone or something more intelligent than you are. 

To a presence who is more loving

than the love you yourself ever have been able of holding,

or holding more love than in anyone you´ve met.

Surrender to being a tool for what is bigger than you

something with a larger vision than you have, 

something with a deeper love for the world

than what you ever have experienced.

Surrendering to becoming a part of a larger community, 

a flow larger than any earthly fellowship

a more profound purpose than you have ever encountered.


The planet Pluto surrenders at the end of the road. 

Our small private choices and particular arrangements come to having

a disapearing importance or value. 

A larger field of light emmerges 

we ourselves 

may come to be one of those bringing forth on this earth. 

An immense inner experience of knowing 

of a more profound order 

and a more encompassing purpose in the earth´s evolving

An all-encompassing love 

that holds and forgives everyone.

and is forgiven by all

through your walking upon this earth. 

When Pluto surrenders

an immensely profound pilgrimage begins.

Claus Houlberg, april 2020

Claus is an astrologer and psychotherapist, a dear friend. He wrote the words above as an ordinary posting on his page on FB some days ago. His posting brought tears to my eyes and humbleness to my heart. The words strike a deep tone within me, reminding me of why we are here at this time and of what we are called to.

Claus always writes in Danish. I wrote to him the other day and told him I had translated his posting and set his words as a poem. His comment was: “wow…”

Being humble is part of him.

So is being a clear, brilliant, shining light. I hope his words here above nourish and inspire you as much as they do me. Such times we are in, such callings to us…